My great respect, love and friendship to those great musicians with which I had the honor to have - sometimes the most crazy - but still the best and most inspiring times of the SUPERMAX-project.
richard schoenherz
christian kolonovits
lothar krell
chico avarez
thomas schmidt
felix rochard
will schneider
step zaradic
steve erinje
pedro uche
yavor roussinov
kosio stojanov
sound-alchemist Taliesin
johann daansen
rainer marz
foots holloway
hans ochs
thomas jauer
robby musenbichler
hannes wildner
helmut bibel
berny locker
bruce ingrim
rud biber
karl ratzer
gerhard warnung
manolo guerra
zwetan nedialkov
reinhard stranzinger
brad howell
juergen zoeller
hartmut pfannmueller
curt cress
gert fellner
christian eigner
tommy schneider
hary metzger
gregg williams
ali tersch
susanne loeser
daniek ford
billy torres
peter koch
bob conti
deison tadeu de silva
carlos fulton
ken taylor
cynthia arrich
tebless reynolds
patricia bay
terry davis
larry london
kate johnson
cee cee cobb
jean graham
presios wilson
victoria miles
freda e. goodlett
alma brooks
cynthia sarraga
nadine holloway
doretta carter
karin friedl
sonja nebenfuer
linda rocco
georg leitner
linda sharrock
tracy ganser
virginia fuergo
betty onore
anne samper
rishma jessica hauenstein
sax & trumpet
gary barnecle
pummi fian
andy haderer
g. kottek